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Marathi Shala

Triveni Marathi Shala, started in 2008, is a community school in the Greater Cincinnati area for teaching Marathi language and culture. Primary audience is the children of the Marathi diaspora. However, we welcome anyone interested in learning Marathi.

Why should our children learn Marathi?

  • Give them a competitive edge - Studying a second language is proven to have many benefits. It can improve your skills in Math and English besides improving your analytical and interpretive abilities. Further, when you study a language, you learn about how to learn a language, so learning the next one is easier. This is even more true for a variety of Indian languages. When we learn Marathi, we are moving a step closer to other Indian languages as well.

  • Give them an Identity - As part of the Indian and Marathi diaspora, there are definite challenges that our children face every day. While we want to assimilate in this great melting pot, there are various differences and without a firm identity, they can cause conflict in an impressionable mind. Mother tongue and the cultural wealth that comes with it can help provide that identity and confidence which will allow them to have the right perspective to succeed in this society.

  • Connect with the culture - Learning Marathi will allow them to explore the country and its people when they are visiting India. Language is the gateway to a culture. Without it they will be lost in India and will not be able to connect. All the Indian languages hold a vast reservoir of spiritual wisdom that can not be easily translated to English. Marathi, specifically, has tremendous wealth of Santa Vangmaya - the abhang, bhajan and ovi. We are really fortunate to inherit this wisdom and must make every effort to pass it on. In an increasingly unstable, violent and materialistic world, they do provide a different perspective to life.

For more information, please visit - or write to us at

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